#romania back to innocence
Just like a crab that cannot help but go backwards (because that is its nature), my wonderful homeland does not want to fight its innate predilections - or better said - the crooked tradition of so many years of corruption. Among the numerous screw-ups of the leading party PSD (“social democrats” without any relation to any ideology whatsoever) in the last month, only the most scandalous examples:
The annihilation of the DNA - the only truly efficient public institution in RO.
The Minister of Justice wishes to change the current regulation regarding appointing the members of the DNA (The independent Anti-Corruption Dept., currently formed by attorneys investigating corruption cases of the political class). The president will have no word to say in this - the only responsible will be the minister & thus the party he represents, holding the undisputed majority in Parliament. The pretext is making things smoother, but the reality could not be more different (given the fact that most of the PSD members are being investigated by the DNA)... How is this thing called ? Politicizing the anti-corruption "battle".
The CNAS scam: the management of the National Insurance was fully aware of the fact that some of the employees responsible for the IT department were registering nonexistent house-calls made 1 medical service company, for which they charged the Insurance - the money was split between the CNAS employees allowing the scam and the provider of the medical service. The whole thing came out because the manager of the small medical firm confessed. Conclusion: around 3 million € damage !! The CNAS president Burcea together with other 5 employees were accused of fraud, abuse & engaging in organized crime, and are currently under arrest. The sentence is still to come.
The private pension fund - the optional one, a complement to the official mandatory one (everyone has to contribute to) is in danger of being swallowed by the national one. Why ?? Because the national one is at an eternal loss, constantly using the contributors' money as if it were a common piggy bank. And the money is running out... if you take out more than you put in, there's only one way things can go... By nationalizing the private pensions fund, the government wants to make up for the current black hole in the national budget... what will pensions look (& feel like) in 10 years ?... Now that's a pretty gloomy sight...
Referendum to change the constitution: as an answer to a civil initiative, the leading party PSD wishes to call for a referendum to change the paragraph regarding marriage. Now marriage is said to be an "agreement between 2 parties" and the change would be to an "agreement between a man and a woman". Thus, instead of going West, forwards, towards progress, conceding civil rights to all groups and minorities, the trend is to go backwards, towards the Middle Ages, Church, orthodox traditions... going as East as possible, following countries like Russia, Georgia or Turkey…
The annihilation of the DNA - the only truly efficient public institution in RO.
The Minister of Justice wishes to change the current regulation regarding appointing the members of the DNA (The independent Anti-Corruption Dept., currently formed by attorneys investigating corruption cases of the political class). The president will have no word to say in this - the only responsible will be the minister & thus the party he represents, holding the undisputed majority in Parliament. The pretext is making things smoother, but the reality could not be more different (given the fact that most of the PSD members are being investigated by the DNA)... How is this thing called ? Politicizing the anti-corruption "battle".
The CNAS scam: the management of the National Insurance was fully aware of the fact that some of the employees responsible for the IT department were registering nonexistent house-calls made 1 medical service company, for which they charged the Insurance - the money was split between the CNAS employees allowing the scam and the provider of the medical service. The whole thing came out because the manager of the small medical firm confessed. Conclusion: around 3 million € damage !! The CNAS president Burcea together with other 5 employees were accused of fraud, abuse & engaging in organized crime, and are currently under arrest. The sentence is still to come.
The private pension fund - the optional one, a complement to the official mandatory one (everyone has to contribute to) is in danger of being swallowed by the national one. Why ?? Because the national one is at an eternal loss, constantly using the contributors' money as if it were a common piggy bank. And the money is running out... if you take out more than you put in, there's only one way things can go... By nationalizing the private pensions fund, the government wants to make up for the current black hole in the national budget... what will pensions look (& feel like) in 10 years ?... Now that's a pretty gloomy sight...
Referendum to change the constitution: as an answer to a civil initiative, the leading party PSD wishes to call for a referendum to change the paragraph regarding marriage. Now marriage is said to be an "agreement between 2 parties" and the change would be to an "agreement between a man and a woman". Thus, instead of going West, forwards, towards progress, conceding civil rights to all groups and minorities, the trend is to go backwards, towards the Middle Ages, Church, orthodox traditions... going as East as possible, following countries like Russia, Georgia or Turkey…
Innovation "Made in Eastern Europe": behold the sports textbook for the 5th grade !!...
Now that's what we really needed! The stroke that broke the camel's back... on top of all the never ending corruption scandals + embarrassing TV appearances of numerous PSD politicians & ministers, the Minister of Education comes up with an invigorating idea meant to enlighten the mind of schoolkids throughout RO: the sports textbook!!
Many politicians don't speak or write 100% correctly (including that mentioned minister) - would that be because they had no sports textbook in secondary school?? Or because they didn't even read the other (really useful) manuals ??
Forget the real problems, the many village schools falling apart (as in literally collapsing), the lack of books & textbooks in school libraries in general !
Just throw the anatomy manual out the window - the one explaining the lifesaving principles of sports is gonna blow your mind ! No other sources of info are necessary. Or better still: just mix all the subjects, generate a single textbook per year and call it a day! Let only one publishing house get high on the schoolbooks-shoppers ! I'm not a fan of the 20 alternative textbooks teachers have to choose from (or are being "convinced" to choose from) - but forbidding alternatives is not an answer. 2 "official" manuals & 3 alternatives per year & subject would be more than enough... forbidding just won't do… is really going back to censorship the highway to EUROPE ??
And the crab keeps going backwards… would a natural or a human calamity stop its careless walk ?...
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