#romania back to innocence
ROMANIA INTO THE DARK or BACK TO INNOCENCE ??... Just like a crab that cannot help but go backwards (because that is its nature), my wonderful homeland does not want to fight its innate predilections - or better said - the crooked tradition of so many years of corruption. Among the numerous screw-ups of the leading party PSD (“social democrats” without any relation to any ideology whatsoever) in the last month, only the most scandalous examples: The annihilation of the DNA - the only truly efficient public institution in RO. The Minister of Justice wishes to change the current regulation regarding appointing the members of the DNA (The independent Anti-Corruption Dept., currently formed by attorneys investigating corruption cases of the political class). The president will have no word to say in this - the only responsible will be the minister & thus the party he represents, holding the undis...