The #coronavirus #panic got to #southeastasia - the Story of my Deportation

The Corona virus panic or how I got DEPORTED I never would have thought it would come to this: I've seen and been through a lot in my life, but this was the first time I ever got DEPORTED. Yes, deported. And all that because of the panic caused by the corona virus in South-East Asia. Asia had always been some kind of paradise for me: friendly folks, sun, nature, la dolce vita. However, this time my trip back from the Philippines confronted me with another reality in this part of the world: the dysfunctional administration and the panic produced by that. It's true, the Corona virus has killed about 500 people so far (6th February 2020), however all of them coming from Wuhan, the epicenter of the crisis; the only death registered elsewhere was in Manila, again, a person who had been to Wuhan. Ergo, considering Beijing is miles away, the 2 locations should not necessarily be put in the same pathological pot. Going back to the story: my flight to Manila...