Inside #puertorico - of real #life in #sanjuan & #riopiedras

PUERTO RICO - the post-hurricane revival Looking back at the last couple of weeks, at my journey to Puerto Rico, I can't help recalling that feeling of tropical freedom the island almost imposes on one… Naturally, San Juan and its 500 years of history impress, however, what actually stroke me was the rest of the island - the life real people live and how this legendary salsa paradise makes it through the day. This is what I wrote down on the third day of my stay: Today I met a few very interesting people, right here in Rio Piedras, a pretty long way from the touristic beating heart of the island, Old San Juan. I got to know the authentic side of the island: people who are actively involved in the life of the community. They basically founded a cultural artistic center called Capicù Adentro offering all types of workshops for all members of the community, but especially for kids and senior citizens: painting on a given topic, photography, music, even sp...