Traveling to the #paisvasco / #basquecountry

PAIS BASQUE / PAÍS VASCO / EUSKADI What does one normally associate with the concepts "txacoli", "txangurro" and "ikurriña"? Trust me, not even an experienced linguist could handle that question… well, of course, provided the linguist is not familiar with Euskera, the Basque language. The Basque country, an ethnic enclave situated on the Atlantic coast/Biscaya Gulf, home to a people that still speaks the non Indo-European language probably dating back to the 4th century BC. They have always been a model of cultural homogeneity... having learned the art of war from the Romans, they have fought the Moorish conquest and then have managed to maintain a certain degree of autonomy as a part of the Spanish Kingdom over centuries. Unfortunately, keeping this cultural heritage came with certain price during Franco's dictatorship… and it was not only the fact that Irun burnt to the ground while Hendaye, the nearest French town across th...